Battlefield Hardline Digital Delux Edition is upcoming latest Vedio game which is developed by Visceral Games and is published by Electronic Arts. This game firstly released for XBOX One on March 13,2014 and it will be again released on March 17, 2015.This is upcoming and unique game of this series.This single player content are used in this game and player used different shooting weapons for shoot.Numerous locations are showed in the game such as Los Angeles of California and its location very similarly to its preveious game Battlefield 4.
Its levels are developded in sandbox style environments and in the game it will provided the chance to the players they will get their objectives according to their desire.In this game fifty one weapons and twenty eight gadgets are used and provided to the players and some other total pakages of weapons are provided to the raiweb.netThe Single player also unlock the weapons to complete the continous level and after the it will be kill their enemy.In this game new cash system introduced for the player.
About Battlefield Hardline Digital Delux Edition Game :-))
- Developers : Visceral Games
- Publishers : Electronic Arts
- Genres : First Person Shooting
- Platform : Play Station 3,Playsatation 4,XBOX 360,XBOX One
- Series : Battlefield
- Releasing Date: March 13,2014/March 17, 2015/March 19, 2015
- Mode : Single Player, Multiplayer
Features:Battlefield Hardline Digital Delux Edition Game:-))
- It is a best 2D shooting game
- Music and Sound quality highly used in the game
- Unique quality of sounds are introduced
- Option of Replay Game is also available
- Online multiplayer and single player are available
- Hacker Mode are included in it now
System Requirements:Battlefield Hardline Game :-))
- OS::: Windows Vista SP2 / Windows 8,8.1
- RAM::: 4 GB / 8GB*
- CPU::: 2.4 GHz / i5
- HDD::: 60 GB
- DirectX::: 11.0
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